Saturday, August 6, 2011

Square foot Gardening and Earth Buckets

Our Provident Living night a month ago had some great gardening info. I thought I would pass along some of the info I found useful.

Square foot gardening 
"soil" mix
1/3 blended compost, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 coarse vermiculite. This mix can also be found at Lowe's it is called Mel's Mix.

How to space your square foot garden planting:
this website also has some useful companion planting info if you have excel.

Square foot gardening website:!__whatissfg/get-started/vstc2=follow-the-basics

Earth box and Earth Bucket (the best video I could find similar to what Claudia showed us. He cut holes after cutting the lid apart, Claudia cut hers first so it was much easier to cut, also she used a plastic cup like in the following video.. )

Earth Bucket, for instructions visit: or watch their video

Other Gardening Tips:
Snail problems can be solved by sinking a shallow basin of yeast water in the ground. The snails will be attracted to the yeast smell.

Watering in the morning is best because the garden is less likely to have fungal growth.

Crushed egg shells feed tomatoes, you can crush them and add them to the planting hole when planting or crush and spread around plant base. Other uses can be found here

Figs grow well with chives planted at their base
Roses will be robust with banana peels
Tansy is a magnet for ladybugs, so if you want to attract ladybugs plant some tansy in your garden.
